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What are ISA Money Light Codes© and how can they support you?

Writer's picture: Colleen  BroersmaColleen Broersma

Updated: Jan 27

Hello, and welcome to my blog.

I am here today to talk about MONEY.


F-ing Money. The source of 97% of my stress in life.
Fear around Money/Poverty Consciousness has been one of my LOUDEST hardest limiting beliefs to transmute and release.

It is a constant looping theme for me.
Every day I worry about money. Getting/making money, spending too much money, NEVER having enough money. The more I stress the more I overspend and then I do some crazy ass shit to “feel safe” around money.
It feels bad to receive money and worse to spend it. When I do receive money I spend it immediately because I’m scared it will disappear. I have some CRAZY stories around money and I am fed up with it.
I have decided once and for all to SHIFT this nutty unhealthy way of existing. I have decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
So, when the opportunity came about to do a new training that not only supports my own growth and healing around money (and yours as well) I said “HECK YEAH, sign me up!”
I’m excited to share that I Am now a certified ISA Money Light Codes© Practitioner. (THANK YOU ELLA!)
What are ISA Money Light Codes© and how can they support you?
The ISA Money Light Codes© will accelerate and stabilize positive change by energetically clearing the ancient limiting money beliefs embedded in your DNA while simultaneously reprogramming your cells with higher money frequencies designed to allow you to carry and hold more Money Divine Light.

Here are some of the Benefits of ISA Money Light Codes©:
  • Help you to dissolve and reduce money and wealth blocks.

  • Help you to dissolve and remove any stuck energies in all of your energetic fields and chakras.

  • Help you to dissolve and reduce your energetic money and wealth blocks.

  • Help to Align you to the frequency of Money.

  • Help to Activate you to the frequency of Money

  • And so much more.

I have loved every part of this training and the palpable shifts that have occurred as a result of receiving these life-changing frequencies.
 And the great news is I AM READY to start sharing these frequencies with you.

I have been attuned to 45 ISA Money Light Codes + 26 ISA Money Energetic Codes.

What are ISA Money Energetic Codes?
ISA Money Energetic Codes are an energetic download that helps you to dissolve and reduce money, wealth, abundance, and prosperity blocks while helping to anchor in your whole energetic being a powerful Money Mantra so you can shift your money reality.

Below is a list of the ISA MLCs that I can offer in group settings and 1:1 sessions.

ISA Money Light Codes© 1 which will help you to dissolve the limiting beliefs that there is never enough money to pay the bills and install the energies of an overflow of money.

ISA Money Light Codes© 2 will help you to dissolve the limiting beliefs that you have to work a lot to earn money and install the energy so that you can have fun while making money.

ISA Money Light Codes© 3 which will help you to dissolve the limiting beliefs that you do not deserve to make money and install the energies that you are worthy of making a lot of money.

ISA Money Light Codes© 4 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief that you cannot make money, and you cannot make money being creative or using my own gifts and install the energies of what it feels like and that you are able to make money being creative and using your unique gifts.

ISA Money Light Codes© 5 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief that you are a bad money manager and therefore cannot keep your money and install the energies of what it feels like to be a great money manager and to be able to hold on to your money.

ISA Money Light Codes© 6 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief that you are not worthy of making or keeping money and install the energies that you are worthy of making and keeping your money.

ISA Money Light Codes© 7 which will help you to dissolve the limiting beliefs that having money is evil and makes you a bad person and install the energies of being a good person and having money goes hand in hand.

ISA Money Light Codes© 8 will help to dissolve the limiting belief that it takes money to make money and install the energies of creativity and that it takes creativity to make money.

ISA Money Light Codes© 9 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief that making money is a struggle and install the energies that making money is easy and fun.

ISA Money Light Codes© 10 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief that if I have money, I will become a bad person or I will be evil. Nothing good can come out of me having money. It will install the energy that you can have money and be an amazing person.

ISA Money Light Codes© 11 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief that you’ll just blow it if you do get money, then you will be poor again. It will install the energy that is safe to keep and hold on to your money.

ISA Money Light Codes© 12 will help you to dissolve the limiting beliefs that you cannot be as successful in making money as your parents, grandparents, spouse, ex-spouse, or siblings. It will install the energies that you can be as successful as your parents, grandparents, spouse, or ex and make a lot of money.

ISA Money Light Codes© 13 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief I have a fear of losing money and then not being able to replenish it. It will install the energies of what it feels like and that it is possible for you to replenish money in all areas of your life.

ISA Money Light Codes© 14 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief that there is never enough money to pay for what you want or need and install the energy that there is always more than enough money to fulfill all of your needs and wants.

ISA Money Light Codes© 15 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief of not being greedy and just being satisfied with what you have or stop asking for anything and just be happy with what you have. It will instill the energy that there is more than enough money for everyone and that you can have whatever amount of money that you truly want.

ISA Money Light Codes© 16 will help you to dissolve that you don’t have enough money to retire and that you will need to work until you die. It will install the energies of an overflow of money and you will be able to retire comfortably.

ISA Money Light Codes© 17 which will help you to dissolve the limiting beliefs that you will never be able to get/have as much as other people have and install the energies that you deserve to have and be able to get the amount of money that you truly desire as there is more than enough money for everyone.

ISA Money Light Codes© 18 which will help you to dissolve the limited beliefs that you like to treat yourself with things that you cannot really afford and install the energies of what being an awesome money manager looks and feels like and that you are good at budgeting.

ISA Money Light Codes© 19 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief that you’ve denied yourself in so many ways that you overcompensate by spending and installing the energies of balance and what it feels like to be balanced in all areas of your life.

ISA Money Light Codes© 20 will help you to dissolve the limiting belief I find myself wanting to spend money to fill an emotional void and install the special light codes anywhere where there is a void in the physical, emotional, etheric, and spiritual levels.

ISA Money Light Codes© 21 will help you to dissolve the limiting beliefs that no matter how hard you try, you never seem to have enough money and install the energies that you are a money magnet and that you can attract money easily and effortlessly.

ISA Money Light Codes© 22 will help you to dissolve fear around money & install the energies of being wealthy so that you increase your net worth daily.

ISA Money Light Codes© 23 which will help you to dissolve hopelessness around money and install the energies of having faith that the money will come in and what it feels and looks like for you to take inspired action.

ISA Money Light Codes© 24 which will help you to dissolve that I’m a spiritual person, and spiritual people should not be wealthy, abundant, and prosperous and install the energies of being a wealthy, abundant, and prosperous spiritual person.

ISA Money Light Codes© 25 which will help you to dissolve being desperate for money and install the energies of what it looks and feels like to be able to call in money with ease and joy.

ISA Money Light Codes© 26 which will help you to dissolve shame associated with money and install the energies of vibrating at an overflow of money.

ISA Money Light Codes© 27 which will help you to dissolve guilt associated with money and please install the energies of loving money and that money is love.

ISA Money Light Codes© 28 which will help you to dissolve jealousy associated with money and install the energies of being grateful for money right now.

ISA Money Light Codes© 29 will dissolve more for me means less for others and install the energy that the more money I make the more there is for everyone else as I now have money to circulate.

ISA Money Light Codes 30 will dissolve it is not safe for me to shine, to stand out without harm coming to me, and install the energy that it is safe for me to shine and stand out and make a lot of money.

ISA Money Light Codes 31 will dissolve that I cannot change and I am stuck with what I have and install the energy that I am in control of my finances and that I can change and grow.

ISA Money Light Codes 32 will dissolve that failure is shameful and install the energy that the more mistakes that you make the more successful you will be as you are learning from your failures.

ISA Money Light Codes 33 will dissolve that you are too old, or too young to make a lot of money and install the energy that right now is the perfect time to make a lot of money no matter how old or young you are.

ISA Money Light Codes 34 will dissolve that I missed my chance and it is too late for me to make a lot of money and install the energy it is never too late to make money and it is my time to create an overflow of money.

ISA Money Light Codes 35 will dissolve that others won’t approve of me, will criticize me and judge me if I have money, and install the energy that it doesn't matter what others think of me or feel about me, that it is safe to make a lot of money.

ISA Money Light Codes 36 will dissolve that I need to do it alone and I can do it beer than anyone else and install the energy that it is safe to have a trusted team and what it feels like to not do it all alone.

ISA Money Light Codes 37 will dissolve that the economy is bad and it is not the right time again to make money and install the energy that no matter what is going on with the economy, you are able to make and keep a lot of money.

ISA Money Light Codes 38 will dissolve my family has never been rich, have no money and struggle so how can I expect to make and hold on to money and install the energy that you can make a lot of money no matter how much money your family has made.

ISA Money Light Codes 39 will dissolve that it is normal to be in debt and that you will never be able to be debt free and install the energy that it is safe for you to be debt free and what being debt free looks and feels like for you.

ISA Money Light Codes 40 will dissolve any blocks and feelings around being cut off from the Universal Abundance that is supposedly there for everyone and install the energy that you are always connected to the Universal Abundance Flow and Consciousness.

ISA Money Light Codes 41 will dissolve any dread around money and install the energy of hope around money and all areas of their life.

ISA Money Light Codes 42 will dissolve any Energetic Money Leaks and install the energy of Overflow of Money.

ISA Money Light Codes 43 will dissolve I will lose it all in the depression and install the energy that it is safe and ok for me to make money no matter what is going on with the economy.

ISA Money Light Codes 44 will dissolve the pattern and energy of hoarding money and install the energy of money balance.

ISA Money Light Codes 45 will dissolve the only way that I can make money is by working really hard and install the energy of money working for you.

If this speaks to you and you want to learn more, PLEASE REACH OUT. I would love to support your releasing your money stories and aligning with your BIRTHRIGHT OF ABUNDANCE.

In the meantime, check out my new YouTube channel (make sure you subscribe!) where I talk more about my personal crazy money habits. YouTube:

My email is To book a one-on-one session please email me.

Thank you for reading. You are not alone in your money struggles.


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